Adriene McCoy

Company: Baptist Health Care
Job title: Senior Vice President & Chief People Officer
Discover: Retention Strategies for Front-Line Talent: Innovative Approaches to Overcoming Labor Shortages and Keeping Engagement High 11:30 am
As retaining talent becomes paramount with evident labor shortages, what are the out-of-the box retention strategies we can implement? How can we ensure we are improving retention specifically across front-line patient facing positions to reduce turnover amongst our critical patient care team Creative long term strategies to maximise impact as HR leaders and sustain longterm…Read more
day: Conference Day One, Track C, AM.
Develop: What More Can We Learn About the Sustainable Strategies Leaders Are Using to Maximize Engagement? 11:50 am
Question & Answer Session Facilitated by the ChairRead more
day: Conference Day One, Track C, AM.