Austin Maggard

Company: Summers County ARH Hospital
Job title: Vice President - Human Resources
Discover: The Disney Difference: Leveraging People Centric Strategies in Healthcare HR 9:00 am
How do we leverage our history and story as employers to build emotional connections with new employees? How do these emotional connections lead to economic outcomes via increased retention and decreased turnover? Using experience and guiding principles learned from top employers like Disney, Apple, etc. you can leverage four simple factors to decrease turnover by…Read more
day: Conference Day 1 (7:50 - 10:30)
Develop: What Additional Insights Can We Gain From HR Leaders Who Are Implementing People-Focused Strategies to Reduce Turnover and Boost Retention? 9:40 am
Question & Answer Session Facilitated by the ChairRead more
day: Conference Day 1 (7:50 - 10:30)